Dermapen 4 Microneedling

Dermapen 4 microneedling is an entirely natural process. It works by stimulating the body’s own repair and renewal process to create collagen.
Dermapen 4 microneedling is an entirely natural process. It works by stimulating the body’s own repair and renewal process to create collagen.

Dermapen 4 Microneedling

Dermapen microneedling is an entirely natural process unlike injectable treatments. It works by stimulating the body’s own repair and renewal process to create collagen. Micro-fine needles are adjusted to different depths and speeds to create fractional puncture channels on the surface of the skin. These micro-channels carry customised serums deep into the skin, increasing its effectiveness and delivering healing nutrients.
• Dermapen microneedling can help reduce the appearance of:
• Fine lines and wrinkles
• Ageing/ sun-damaged skin
• Active acne or acne scars
• Pigmentation, including melasma
• Enlarged pores
• Rosacea
• Scars
• Stretch marks
• Hair loss
• Cellulite
• Unwanted tattoos
The Dermapen 4 can treat multiple concerns in a single session, thanks to its adjustable needle depth and oscillation speed. The micro-injuries caused by the treatment stimulate the production of collagen as your skin heals. Acne, trauma, pigmentation and a range of other ailments can cause blemishes on your skin. Ageing causes your skin to thin, sag and wrinkle.
Dermapen microneedling simply activates the skin’s natural self-rejuvenating function. A new layer of fresh tissue forms, creating a more youthful appearance on the surface and fighting antibodies underneath. These small punctures also allow active ingredients in topical creams to penetrate deeper for intense rejuvenation.
Treatment time takes between 30 – 60 minutes including applying a topical anaesthetic. The micro-injuries caused by the treatment stimulate the production of collagen as your skin heals. Acne, trauma, pigmentation and a range of other ailments can cause blemishes on your skin. Ageing causes your skin to thin, sag and wrinkle. Dermapen microneedling simply activates the skin’s natural self-rejuvenating function. A new layer of fresh tissue forms, creating a more youthful appearance on the surface and fighting antibodies underneath. These small punctures also allow active ingredients in topical creams to penetrate deeper for intense rejuvenation.
Facial redness may be experienced for 12 – 48 hours after a microneedling procedure. Most people can return to normal daily activities immediately after the treatment. I will help to advise on aftercare procedures to calm and cover any redness for an immediate return to your daily activities.
Though the duration to see results will vary slightly from person to person; on average you can expect to enjoy the benefits after just one microneedling procedure, within a couple of weeks. The exact duration of the results of microneedling depends on how your skin responds, your skin type, and other factors such as the severity of your skin issue. To achieve the full desired result, cumulative procedures and at-home protocols may be required. Remember microneedling is not a quick fix. The benefits of the new collagen production often take some time to show fully because your body is actually repairing itself and growing new skin tissue. Collagen is typically formed between 30 and 200 days. A single session can see an increase of 45% of collagen.
Conditions that would mean you were not able to have this treatment:
• Hemophilia, blood clotting problems (ie poor wound healing)
• Papulopustular rosacea
• Acne Vulgaris stage III-IV
• Solar Keratosis
• Undergoing chemotherapy or immune therapy
• Connective tissue disorders / auto immune disorders (e.g. lupus)
• Long term use of Prednisone and other steroid medications (treatment will increase inflammation)
• Pregnant/Nursing
• Anticoagulants / Blood thinners (including but limited to Warfarin or aspirin)
• Nickel or stainless-steel allergies
• Scleroderma
• Collagen vascular diseases
• Solar keratosis

Book Your Treatment

Booking from 3rd Party Websites

IMPORTANT: Please only book your session on this calendar if you are booking a session directly with London Massage 4U and NOT via a 3rd party website/company. Otherwise, please refer to the instructions on that site on how to book.

Booking Terms and Conditions

Before booking your appointment with me, please ensure you have read my Booking Terms and Conditions below.

Booking Terms and Conditions

Prior to booking your treatment with me, please ensure you have read and understood the following Booking Terms and Conditions.

Arriving For Your Appointment

Please don’t arrive early for your appointment as there is limited seating facilities. Extra time has been allowed between appointments to allow me to ensure all surfaces are sanitised between clients.

Cancellation and Rescheduling – General Information

Cancellation by You

I believe in having a simple, clear policy when it comes to cancellation and rescheduling of appointments. This helps prevent any confusion. Please note that using social media (Facebook, Instagram etc) is not acceptable as a suitable method of cancelling or rescheduling your appointment. You should cancel or reschedule using the booking system or if that is not possible, by telephoning me or sending me an email.

You must give at least 48-hours’ notice. Failure to attend an appointment will be charged at full price, with no refund available.

Cancellation by London Massage 4U

In the unfortunate event that I have to cancel your appointment, I will give you as much advance warning as possible. Where possible, you will be able to reschedule your appointment for a later date, or if that is not possible, a full refund will be offered.


You cannot receive massage therapy if you:

● Have eaten a heavy meal within two hours of the start of your therapy session.
● Consumed alcohol or non-prescribed drugs before or directly after massage.
● Are extremely weak or clinically exhausted with influenza or any viral illness.
Have a high temperature or infectious disease including infectious skin conditions.
● Have serious medical conditions such as cancer, serious heart disorder, stomach ulcers or other ailments of the internal organs.
● Have had major surgery in the last 12 months or minor surgery in the last 6 months.
● If you are pregnant, I am unable to offer any treatments.

On your first meeting with me, I will require you to complete a short questionnaire so that I have a full understanding of any health-related matters which may affect the massage treatment provided.

You can also use the Acuity Booking App on your mobile phone to book appointments at any time. It’s quick, easy and perfect for when you’re on the go and need to schedule a treatment with me.

Scan the QR code below to download the app on your phone and add London Massage 4U.

AcuityGeneralSchedulingPage - LondonMassage4U

Alternatively, you can use the buttons below to download the Acuity Scheduling Client App to make booking future appointments even easier.

Download from the app store for your device (Android or Apple), and when adding a business in the app enter the address in the Business Scheduling URL

You can download the Acuity Scheduling Client App to make booking future appointments even easier.

Download from the app store for your device (Android or Apple), and when adding a business in the app enter the address in the Business Scheduling URL